Layer up to 10 cm thick

Epoxy, designed for the manufacture of very thick and large-scale projects.

5 Human Growth Hormone

  • 44.50 1061.50 
    EPOXYTABLE 10 is a non-toxic epoxy resin for the production of boards. Up to 10 cm thick layer can be achieved in one pour. The finished product is highly resistant to yellowing and scratching. Due to the superior exothermic reaction, thicker layers can be cast without overheating and deformation of the material. Perfectly transparent and UV resistant.
  • 99.00 445.00 
    LUXRESIN – Revolutsiooniline polüuretaanvaik Innovatsiooniline ja vastupidav polüuretaanvaik teie kõige julgemate projektide jaoks! LUXRESIN on revolutsiooniline kahekomponentne polüuretaanvaik väga paksude valude jaoks. Selle täiustatud valem pakub kristallselget tulemust ja erakordset vastupidavust kollasusele, tagades veatu tulemuse nii sise- kui ka väliskeskkonnas isegi intensiivse päikese käes. LUXRESINi eripäraks on selle erakordne võime valada ilma piiranguteta suurtes paksustes. Seda tänu väga madalale eksotermilisusele reaktsioonile (<50°C) . Lisaks sellele on pärast vaigu kivistumist tootel kõrgetasemelised mehaanilised omadused, ületamatu pinna kõvadus ja kulumiskindlus. Ideaalne julgete ja uuenduslike projektide jaoks. LUXRESIN ideaalne valik neile, kes otsivad kvaliteetset toodet, mis ühendab endas esteetika, vastupidavuse ja mitmekülgsuse. 💎 Võrratu läbipaistvus: erakordne selgus, mis murrab ja peegeldab valgust hämmastaval viisil. 🛡️Täiustatud kollasusevastane toime: loodud vastu pidama kõige raskematele atmosfääritingimustele, säilitades selle ilu aja jooksul. 🔨Eriline mehaaniline vastupidavus: tööstusliku taseme pinna kõvadus ja kulumiskindlus pärast kõvenemist. 🎨Piiramatu hulk loomingulisi rakendusi: ideaalne väga paksude valandite jaoks ilma ülekuumenemisohuta (tipp <50°C). 🌱 Keskkonnasõbralik ja ohutu: teadlik valik keskkonnale, tegemata järeleandmisi kvaliteedis.
  • 157.00 559.00 
    EPOXY PREMIUM Designed for work up to 7,5cm thick. Epoxy Premium is the flagship of the ResinPro range, using the most advanced formulations with a single goal: perfect casts, bubble-free, deformation-free and long-lasting. Created specifically for wood and resin board applications. Also very suitable for large mouldings and artistic work. Very low exothermic reaction allows large thicknesses to be moulded WITHOUT OVERCASTING AND DEFORMATION. Perfectly VISUAL, with a delicate bluish tint. To create smaller objects, it is possible to increase the thickness of the casting up to 10cm, which must be controlled at 15°C and the volume of the epoxy mixture must not exceed 15kg per casting. Example: 100cmx10cm x 10cm epoxy lamp. The product has been combined in such a way that anyone can make a simple riverbed, or other artistic work as easily as possible. Epoxy Premium will give you a great result without effort, because: ➡ The product has a low exothermic reaction, for castings up to 7,5 cm thick! ➡ Anti-UV filters provide a 10 year guarantee without yellowing - special light blue tint ensures greater durability over time. ➡ High mechanical resistance surface ensures maximum scratch resistance! ➡ The product is easy to use, ideal for professionals and amateurs alike ➡ Low viscosity for excellent air bubble removal ➡ The product has a long working time to allow intervention and repair of aesthetic defects.
  • 146.80 264.10 
    ICE EPOXY ICECAST crystal clear resin ICECAST is a two component epoxy resin. It is UV-resistant and anti-yellowing. properties. The product has: strong tack, good flowability and natural bubble release. Icecast is designed for medium to large volume applications with thicknesses over 2.5 cm and up to 10-25 cm depending on the volume. Low colour and low viscosity allow crystal clear castings without bubbles. The product is particularly suitable for large volume castings as the product remains in a gel state for a long time after mixing and the low exothermic reaction prevents the product from overheating during the reaction. ICECAST has a low VOC content, which ensures user safety and reduces environmental impact. - 2,5 to 10cm deep casting - Ratio 2A:1B - UV resistant - 100% solid end result - Low VOC content and low odour. - Crystal clear and high gloss appearance - Enhances the appearance of the object - Resistant to bacteria and moisture - Excellent air separation properties - Does not age
  • 32.90 
    Protection and convenience in one product, designed for those working with resins, silicones, dyes and other chemicals. Specially approved for products such as resins : provides protection against organic, inorganic, acid and ammonia gases and vapours; Lip seal design: ensures a perfect fit on the face without sacrificing comfort; Durable and comfortable: ideal for long-term work involving exposure to potentially harmful vapours. For reliable, long-lasting protection, choose the Climax mask with 755 ABEK filter. Order yours today!